Esteemed Customers,
In line with anti-money laundering regulatory requirements that require the periodic update of customer records, please update your account information. Below are the requirements for individuals and entities.
You are requested to avail the Bank with the below information within a period of 30 days from the date of this notice.Requirements:
- Valid National ID (for Citizens)
- Valid Passport, Work permit and proof of address (for non-citizens)
You are requested to avail the Bank with the below information within a period of 90 days from the date of this notice.Requirements:
- Latest Annual Returns
- Company Form 18 / Statement of Particulars Registered / Notice of Change in Particulars Registered
- Company Form 20 / Statement of Particulars Registered / Notice of Change in Particulars Registered
- Register of beneficial owners
- Valid identification documents for each signatory, director and shareholder
or beneficial owner. (valid National ID (for Citizens) or Valid Passport, Work permit and proof of address (for non-citizens)